Have your say -write to the editor and let rip! The editor welcomes your comments on the burning issues of the day. If you have something you want to get off your chest or any other part of your anatomy, you can contact him below. Dear
Sir Sir
Magoo Sir
Sir Cheers,
We don't watch STV around here, Sir, and indeed are shocked, nay, astonished that they even have such a thing as a political reporter.- Ed. Sir
expectantly PS When I say a couple of quid, I mean more like 20 or 30. But you're an intelligent man and I'm sure I'm just insulting your intelligence by saying that. Sorry. I'm afraid you're sadly mistaken. I am in fact a bespectacled unruly gentleman with two middle-haired children. And yes you are insulting my intelligence. Now bugger off you scrounger. - Ed Sir Watching "Georgeous" Lord George Robertson, Grande Fropmage of NUTO on Scutvision on Sunday, (yeah, folks! a serious programme on ITV) I found myself musing - Does he wear a wig or is it all down to lashings of Grecian 2000? Enlighten me please. Neil
D Paterson Well, the man has to do something to detract from his stunning good looks. - Ed Sir Its pishin doon an bloody freezin here in Germany as well. Only here its known as pisst herunter und scheiss kalt. Yours
Thanks for the weather update, Andrew. It's always a pleasure to be linguistically enlightened, don't you think? - Ed Clearly, a case of Deutschland ünter Umbrellas. A.L.
Mitchell Euro'll
living in a U-boat submarine, a U-Boat submarine...! Sir, As a true-blue, upstanding subject of the Monarchy I trust that your preparations (by way of a Joyous Supplement) to celebrate, honour and adore our own Mother Teresa, the source of our National Dignity, the Nation's favourite Granny and Source of Everlasting Wisdom, Wit and Glory - the Great Wartime Patriot and Leader - are well-advanced, and will be fitting to the occasion. It's not every people that has Thora Hird as one of its own. N.
D. P. We're waiting till Ma'am pops her clogs so's we can bring out a special double celebration whammy type supplement - Ed. Sir, Has anyone noticed the striking resemblance between Gordon Brown's new missus, Sarah Whatserteeth and stunning fashion designer Vivian Westwood? Concerned, A.
Well, Wishaw You've got a point there, especially since the rumours started of a forthcoming project from Flash and Sarah concerning interior decorating influenced punk band the Sexy Pastels. Sir Any photies I have seen of the new Mrs Chancellor Broon (and I only read the more respectable organs of the press) suggest that "Eva" has discovered, too late, that her dowry is not tax-deductible - that she will have to pay the "fool" whack! But then, she's a woman in New Labour. N.D.P. Sir Re:
David Shayler. Until his surrender, today, to the forces of Blairite
darkness, I thought he was well-meaning - if somewhat hapless. For the
first time, on this , Monday, 21st August - at about 18.45 - I tried
to access his website: closed down, but plenty of illiterate RUBBISH
from fools and hooligans. Or again Light
lay the Earth on Tone's chest - I could go on - but I won't! N.
D.P. We're getting seriously concerned fror N.D.P's mental welfare around here. What is he on? Answers on a postcard. Sir Yours
in anticipation What a splendid suggestion, Name and address withheld (catchy moniker by the by). Rest assured we shall be silencing the lads forthwith. Something for the ladies coming soon. Sir, Has anyone noticed the striking resemblance between Craig, the winner of the Big Brother voyeurfest and a monkey? Concerned, Claire
Conscience , Bucks
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